Motor Vehicle Repair Health and Safety Alert - "Off-site commercial vehicle repair"
/Our first “Commercial Vehicle Workshop Safety Insight” is specific to “Off Site Commercial Vehicle Repair”.
Insight 1 - When assigning off-site work to your technicians please ensure the job card is assigned to a “competent” technician who can complete the job safely. The technician must be trained on the hazards and risks at a customer site, trained in completing a dynamic risk assessment and ensuring that the findings from these are documented. The supervisor must also explain and discuss the job with the technician and any technical instructions must be issued to the technician before they leave site. Assigning work to a technician who is not competent puts both the business at risk and the technician who has been assigned the job.
Insight 2 - Please ensure any company owned vehicles that are used for technicians to complete off-site work contain equipment that is suitable for use and has had its statutory inspections where applicable.
Insight 3 - When the technician arrives at site/breakdown, it is mandatory that they complete a dynamic risk assessment to ensure the environment they are working in is safe and the vehicle is safe to work on. If the technician feels that they are at risk, they must contact their manager/supervisor.
If you require further assistance specific to “Off-Site Work for Commercial Vehicle Repair” feel free to contact a member of the Inspire team today via or
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